Welcome to the EBOP Kayak Fishing Club Website!
Whether you are a long term member, or new to the club, there is plenty that we have to offer you
throughout the year and great times to be shared fishing from a kayak with likeminded people.
Our club has been running for a number of years and has gone from strength to strength. We have
always based our club around the benefit to our members and we dont operate to make a profit,
we just love to get out and fish!
We welcome all members to attend our monthly meetings held at the Whakatane Coast Guard.
Meetings are the Tuesday (17:30hrs) following the club day which is the 3rd Sunday of each month.
In order to ensure that the club is operated in a way that can be inclusive of everyone we have a
philosophy that we like to run our club and all our activities by:
Our Values:
- Support sustainable fishing
- Promote safety on the water
- Support members of all levels and abilities in the sport of kayak fishing
Our Priciples:
We will:
Keep members and visitors safe on the water by requiring compliance with club safety rules
when fishing from a kayak.
Actively share knowledge and experience between members and interested parties.
Maintain a sustainable approach to our fishing and fish within the rules set by the Ministr of Fishing.
Actively support and respect competitive interests of kayak fishers who wish to enter competitions and/or gather club points.
The club is a “non-profit” organisation
What you get with being a member:
As we have said already we try to make your $20 each year worth it and give back to the members as much as possible.We hold anual fishing competitions
with a prize pool of over $10,000! with plenty of spot prizes, and a major spot prize like a Viking Kayak package.
Bellow are a list of benefits you will gain once joined:
HUNTING & FISHING: 20% off terminal tackle & Bait
FISHING & MORE: 10% off purchaes
OPOTIKI BAIT & TACKLE 10% off purchases
Monthly Club Days
Each month the club holds a get together at one of our many prime fishing spots here in the eastern bay of plenty.
Fishing is from first light until midday and we have a prize pool at each event for the best fish in each category.
These events are organised by different members each time and the prize categories are decided by that person,
so it’s not always about catching the biggest fish. There is a $5 sweepstake too, so it can mean all your bait and petrol gets paid for if you are lucky!
Members Weekend Trip
We in the past have had the pleasure of holding a weekend club meet mid Nov at the Oariki Retreat
(Maraenui) unfortunately the place has changed hands and we are looking at other sites for this
early Xmas tournament solely for clubbies and their families. This is a pretty laid back affair and a
great opportunity to fish a really good spot and get to know fellow members socially. There are
prizes to be won and members/club funds combine to help make the wk/end affordable.
Club Championship
At each club day members score points for attending and the fish they catch. The points are collated
through the year to decide who the club champion will be for that year. The Champion will receive a
trophy and free entry into the EBOP Kayak Fishing Club Tournament the following year.